"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified: do not be discouraged, for the LORDyour God will be with you wherever you go. " - Joshua 1:9

Monday, February 20, 2012


Those of you who know me, know that I just got back from a mission trip to Haiti. I was very fortunate enough to be able to travel with an amazing team from my church Crossroads Fellowship. I think It will be neat for those who helped me out to know the whole journey, so I am willing to share it with you .

So a couple of months back during service they made an announcement for people to sign up for information on an upcoming Haiti mission trip. It sounded resonably priced and I always have wanted to go on a mission trip so I went ahead and placed my name on the list. I would say atleast 2 months went by and I had not heard anything, and I didnt really feel like asking questions. I mean it sounded neat but nothing I JUST HAD TO DO.

So on January 6 Zodwa from our chuch sent me an email saying, that they had lost the contact list but wanted to let me know that the trip was still happening and it was going to be in 4 weeks. I didnt even give it a second thought when I emailed her back and told her I would NOT be coming. Hayden my 4 year old had just had an overnight ER visit that cost us a pretty penny, so I knew atleast I thought that the finances were my biggest obstacle. So I went on about my day and life. THEN.......Sunday morning came! Pastor Mike preached about allwoing God to use us, so I went up to altar and creid my face off. I didnt know exactly why I was so emotional . All I knew is that there was a meeting for those intrested in going to Haiti after service and I was suppose to go to it. Here is a link to that exact service in case you are intrested. http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/19646171.

Well I looked at Brian and asked him if he would be okay with getting the boys from Kids church and waiting for me. In the Meeting I learned not only that the trip was in about 4 weeks but also that half of the 1500 needed to go was due in 1 WEEK. I freaked out, no way I could make that kind of money that fast.Well I told myself that If it was God's will it would happen, if not than I could just go about my merry life.

Right away I got home and started sending out emails and letters asking family and friends for prayers and financial support. The following day I got to work to face my first obstacle. I met with my manager and friend Stephanie and asked her if there was any way possible I could have time off for the trip. She took about half a second to think about it and agreed. ....1st step down. Next I needed to figure out ways to fundraise so I thought about having a garage sale and selling breakfast burritos at church with the help of the amazing breakfast taco maker , Mrs. Sandra pastor Nicks wife. She agreed.!!!! Shortly after i started receiveing emails from church members and friends letting me know they had things to donate towards my garage sale..Little did I know I would have half a garage full of things to make money for my trip. By Friday the first week i had received two checks in the mail. I had a total of $75.00 . The arrangememnts I had made for care of my boys fell trhough due to my husband having to go out of town on business the same exact days I was due to leave. I was feeling discouraged . I woke up at 4:30 in the morning on saturday and started setting up shop for my garage sale. The next day I woke up at the same time and helped Mrs. Sandra make 100 burritos to sale. By the end of the day sunday when atleast 800 was due, I turned in $971.00!!!!!! Talk about picking up my spirits.

In the next 10 days I had another garage sale and I managed to make the difference a long with a Donation made by my employer. I turned in my $1,500 =).In the mean time the Lord also showed me people in my life that stuck their hands, arms and feet out to help me, that I would have least expected to. I am sooo sooo greatful for the people God has placed in my life. By then the arrangements for my kids had been settled, my parents agreed to watch them for me for the entire week.

If this didnt tell me to prepare for God to knock my face off in Haiti.....I dont know what would. Jesus wanted me to go.....and he provided....

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Texas Brain and Spine

I sit here today at work. I just put in my two week notice to Dr. Bonnen to start a new part of my life. God has opened the door for me to work at my Church at Crossroads Early Learning Center. While I am very very excited I cant help but be sad about everything I am leaving behind. I have worked here for 4 amazing years. Everyday being full of laughter, tears and dancing. I made some of my very best friends in this office. I learned that not all Neuro-surgeons have God like syndrome...some have I love God syndrome, and thats exactly what Dr. James Bonnen has. I have never worked for such a caring individual as himself. He cared for me personaly and my family. I see the way he cares for his patients and I wish only any Dr. I or my family come in contact with will care for us the same. His wife Kim and daughters have always been nothing more than generous to myself and the staff. Mama Nancy his P.A was always looking out for me and helping me out with my millions and millions of health and personal issues. When Dr's and google told me I was a walking dead person she assured me I was not haha. Jeanne, Always making me laugh and bringing out the mexican in me,..aaaaah wachale girl . Marie sharing her mama stories and worries, i had somebody to come share my million baby stories with . Stephanie, ...... my partner in crime....we were together all 4 years. Eating, shopping, and eating...haha. She is my personal style consultant and I am going to miss her sooo much.

Now I leave here with a heavy heart but knowing I am doing what is best for my family and myself. I really really hate to leave here. Its like a horrible breakup . But I know Ill be back. Texas Brain and Spine became my family away from home. Before I had a church family , i had them . They carried me through my pregnancy with Brody, my health issues, my miscarriage, The loss of my grandfather, my marriage, my husbands demotion at the prior company , the struggle of trying to sale my house....and they were there to witness the way GOD turned my life completely around for the better..........This entry is making me cry, It also does not help that I made a goodbye Playlist of sad songs, right now its End of the Road by Boys II Man haha

I wonder what God has in store for me next. Who's life will I be able to touch? How many babies will i be able to hug at the school in 2 minutes? haha I am ready Jesus.......Im ready NOW....Use me as you will .