"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified: do not be discouraged, for the LORDyour God will be with you wherever you go. " - Joshua 1:9

Friday, September 16, 2011

Dont lie to me!

Lately I have been thinking about how much faith I actually have in God. I love him with all my heart and soul and fully trust him to come through for my friends and family when they are in need.However once my roller coaster starts going down its so easy for my human nature to take over and be overcome by fear! I wonder why its so hard to believe for yourself what you believe for others?
I'm the same with looks too, My friends can talk so much trash about themselves and all I see is a beautiful person inside and out..(in most cases) haha. However when I look in the mirror give me about 10 seconds and i can pop up with 10 flaws.
I must learn to look at my situation and self in the same eyes I view others. I'm just as deserving , I'm just as much a princess as any of my friends. I will need to learn that enemy LOVES to feed me lies....Pastor Ruben and Alayna once told me ...whatever lie you have in your head, write it down and know with all your heart that the truth is the absolute opposite of that. It works!!! trust me , just try it. It has brought Hope and Faith to me through struggling times.

If I hear I am fat...the truth is I am not
If I hear I am a horrible mother/wife...the truth is that I am a great mom!

Take that Satan!!! Your lies wont work on me anymore....

the more you punch him in the face with the truth , he will soon start to leave you alone.

Hope this helps anyone as much as it has helped me....whatever lie hes feeding you today....write it down ....write down the complete opposite....THAT IS THE TRUTH! GODS TRUTH ...

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