"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified: do not be discouraged, for the LORDyour God will be with you wherever you go. " - Joshua 1:9

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A new season!!!!

So its here!! Our NEW season is about to start! I cant help but be amazed at the Lords work . He knew exactly what he was doing all along. Everyone would tell us, God has a plan, stay put, calm down, just pray. Which I would have listened and handed it over to God a lot sooner. When I think back to all the wasted time I spent doubting my future, not fully trusting God for everything. But then again I should just stop thinking about that and see my present! Gods plan is here! His light is shinning brightly, and come what may I feel God's hands all over my life right now.
If you are at a place in life were you are uncertain on why God would make you go through this, If you see no light at the end of the tunnel...I say to you ...the same words I often say to myself....oh ye of little faith. If you only knew the amazing plans he has for you ...hang in there, do NOT give up...give him your situation...trust...enjoy each day and let him take care of tomorrow....hug your loved ones...apologize for hurt feeling...let go of grudges...and praise him for everything. Seek God and everything else will just fall into place!!! Have a very blessed day!!!!

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