"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified: do not be discouraged, for the LORDyour God will be with you wherever you go. " - Joshua 1:9

Monday, March 22, 2010

Get Real Mondays

Ok so today I'm going to get real and vent about a situation that has happened twice in the past 2 weeks. So yesterday we (My husband and I) decided that we needed to get out of the house and just go somewhere. We knew it would need to be somewhere indoors since Spring came in at 40 degrees. Bass Pro shop just sounded fun to me . I knew there was fish tanks and animals for the kids to look at so we were going to head that way. My husband jumped in the shower, I had gotten myself ready during the kids earlier nap so I was ready to go. I proceeded with getting the oldest one changed, fed and ready. By the time I was done my husband had already got done getting ready. He told me to put the boys in the car that HE was ready to go . So I placed Hayden in the truck and put on his movie. I asked my husband to go outside with him because I am very much against leaving children in a running vehicle! So he left ....1 minute later I heard honking. I was like Ok he cant seriously be rushing me. I finished changing Brody and fixing up the diaper bag. At that time he opened the door and yelled at me to hurry ........Oh no no no no ha ha....at this point I was so upset because Not only did he get mad about having to be outside. He told me I should have common sense to get everything ready before leaving. COMMON SENSE? He had to shower , change and worry about himself and I had to take care of the rest of us. And I was being rushed. He had not helped me, offered to help and he was getting mad at me. He had done this the week before which made me even madder...Sorry for being so Real...but it made me so mad!......

He later apologized and said he was just so stressed from it being so windy . I explained that I had nothing to do with the weather and taking it out on me was not the way to go . So we kissed and made up and went to bed....Real enough for you? ha ha

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