"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified: do not be discouraged, for the LORDyour God will be with you wherever you go. " - Joshua 1:9

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lifes wonderful surpirses

Yesterday was a pretty eventful day. It started off so stresful and ended up being one of the best days ever. When I got to work at 7 am I noticed my surgery board was full of exciting work for me to get done. As some as you might not know I work for a neurosurgeon and I am pretty much in charge of his surgery schedule and surgery patients. Every now and then Dr.Bonnen likes toplay what we call surgery switcharoo, when he come in and flips and flops patients around due to needing to add emergency cases...etc. When this happens it confuses all my Reps and Hospitals and i tend to get about 500 calls from different departments. This always makes my day fun.

Well in the middle of all this I get an Email from Trina ( My oldest brothers girlfrined) talking about their Cruise that they will be taking to Cozumel. I had known about this trip for about 2 weeks now. Last year they went on a cruise around the same time. She had been asking us to go with them ...Well origionaly it was to Hawaii...but regardless we could not realy afford such a trip during this iffy time in our lifes. I wrote her back and told her while this all sounded so great we would not be able to go .......and then a few moment s later....Lets just say we got a blessing from God ....and we ARE going to Cozumel in 6 weeks!!!!! I am excited and nervous beyond belief. My mom will watch the boys while we are on the trip so that part im not too worried about...maybe = ) ... But I was reading about all these hidden fees and what not, that you might get in cruises. I am more stressed than excited. I am like that tho. I hate surprises. I like knowing things way in advance to prepare for them and save up . I know its like " shut up you are going on a cruise" ...but i just wish it was under different circumstances . But Brian and I both needed this break!!!! We will finally get it ...woo to the hoo haha ! ..

Ill keep yall updated more and for sure post pictures when the time comes!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for cruising!! Y'all will have a great time... We went to Cozumel a couple of times on cruises and he had fun! The hidden costs are, if you buy sodas on the boat, alcoholic drinks, souvenirs, and whatever excursions you do off of the boat. You can look up how much the excursions cost on the cruise's website.
