"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified: do not be discouraged, for the LORDyour God will be with you wherever you go. " - Joshua 1:9

Thursday, January 7, 2010


So this is my first post to my new Blog. I have started one before but never kept up with it due to time. Not that I have more time now, But I have more of a reason of wanting to start one. Im hopeing that once Brian leaves for the Air Force (if that is Gods will) he can look back and read about all our little life adventours , our life boredom haha.

I named this blog trust due to he lack of towards my nanny. Yesterday when Brian picked up Hayden and Brody from the Mrs.G's he noticed Haydens lip was busted . The nannys daughter stated that he fell off the dinning table. She stated that Mrs.G had placed him on the table and when she turned around he fell and hit the tile face first. Why would she put him on the table? I asked myself. ...Well thankfully he is okay . His lip is swollen and dark red but he will make it = ) .

Well this morning when I talked to Mrs. G she changed the story on me . She stated that Brian must have misunderstood but Hayden fell off his rocking chair and hit the floor. Sounds like to me she stayed up all night thinking of how to change it so it wouldnt be her fault.

I know kids get hurt , these things happen....but people dont leave 2 year olds on top of dinning tables , I would think .

Well Im fixing to go home and check on my baby. I cant wait to be home taking care of my own children..if that day ever comes.

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